1.   If the man is held up constantly as a heroic figure, excuses are made for him.

2.   Leapor portrays Edwy as a heroic figure and a good husband.

3.   Other heroic figures which figure in the monthly ritual dances are equipped in the same way.

4.   Second, our victory in the Cold War has reduced the need to make our leaders into heroic figures.

5.   Shaughnessy was a heroic figure-a brilliant writer and by all accounts a splendid teacher and leader.

6.   She portrayed him as a heroic figure.

7.   That heroic figure never appears onscreen.

8.   That man was scarcely a heroic figure, however genial and powerful in manpower, but never ambitious to lead.

9.   The Reich chapter, by contrast, draws us away from individual heroic figures towards collective creativity.

10.   A number of these heroic figures went on to take leadership roles in the abolitionist movement, but most remain anonymous.

a. + figure >>共 1040
sales 4.24%
political 3.90%
double 2.98%
key 2.96%
official 2.53%
leading 1.94%
new 1.89%
exact 1.72%
prominent 1.66%
senior 1.58%
heroic 0.25%
heroic + n. >>共 384
effort 7.99%
figure 4.96%
act 2.91%
deed 2.30%
measure 1.45%
action 1.33%
struggle 1.33%
performance 1.33%
feat 1.21%
character 1.21%
每页显示:    共 41