1.   A new medical report has again highlighted the health benefits of regular exercise.

2.   An active lifestyle has many health benefits.

3.   Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia also refused to require the government to weigh financial costs against health benefits.

4.   Gay and lesbian couples should be eligible for the same health benefits as Married heterosexual couples.

5.   He observes that managed care companies have simply responded to employers who pay health benefits and want to cut costs.

6.   Health benefits are maintained during the leave, and workers are guaranteed their job back when they return.

7.   Indeed, advocates for the elderly say some seniors have complained about being denied access to home health benefits.

8.   Knight said such a situation would create an undue hardship for businesses that would have to pay the cost of health benefits.

9.   Medicare is a federally administered program of health benefits for elderly and disabled persons.

10.   Or it could be other things in the foods that happen to be rich in beta carotene that provide the health benefits.

n. + benefit >>共 469
health 12.73%
unemployment 10.79%
drug 10.77%
welfare 8.94%
retirement 5.96%
prescription 5.47%
tax 5.05%
pension 3.37%
employee 2.79%
government 2.69%
health + n. >>共 369
official 11.61%
problem 9.34%
plan 6.38%
service 3.25%
authority 2.99%
benefit 2.89%
risk 2.84%
worker 2.42%
department 2.25%
expert 2.13%
每页显示:    共 631