1.   And having them perform is a very valuable part of the process.

2.   And what a great innovation the Provincial Insurance Cup for Junior clubs has been.

3.   Being Married is one thing, but having children is a whole new ball game.

4.   But how much real curriculum change has there been this century?

5.   Having a bicycle was a tremendous boon as our house was so far from the village.

6.   Having children has been a perfectly logical response of families to the hardship and famine which have resulted from these processes.

7.   Having counselling is a very positive step which could strengthen your relationship.

8.   Having recurrent dreams is a very common experience.

9.   Having turkey is traditional at Thanksgiving.

10.   It was awkward having two elderly parents.

v. + be >>共 1472
be 2.59%
trade 2.09%
go 1.46%
fighting 1.32%
win 0.99%
do 0.97%
get 0.96%
fight 0.87%
have 0.80%
play 0.78%
have + v. >>共 703
be 17.32%
seem 3.06%
do 3.01%
make 2.84%
say 1.99%
appear 1.99%
become 1.95%
lose 1.64%
have 1.42%
help 1.15%
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