1.   And other hate crimes?

2.   -- Support federal hate crime legislation that would require states to report hate crimes against gays and lesbians.

3.   A new LAPD policy targets hate crimes by increasing accountability and joining with community groups to prevent prejudice from erupting into crime.

4.   Gay rights and opposition to hate crimes is not just an election-year issue, Gore promised.

5.   Hate crime?

6.   He cited reports that hate crimes against gays and lesbians are on the rise.

7.   I was forcefully reminded of that last week when talking with some of my Jewish friends and acquaintances concerning the horrendous hate crimes that have occurred in America lately.

8.   Scuffles that may have racial overtones are not hate crimes.

9.   Supporters of the bill point to the compelling need for federal officials to assist cash-strapped states in prosecuting hate crimes.

10.   The police labeled the killings hate crimes.

v. + crime >>共 470
commit 27.34%
fight 7.66%
reduce 4.15%
solve 3.82%
investigate 3.32%
report 2.87%
prevent 2.45%
combat 2.24%
deter 2.20%
prosecute 1.99%
hate 0.37%
hate + n. >>共 697
idea 4.66%
people 2.17%
way 2.17%
government 1.47%
job 1.28%
crime 1.21%
group 1.15%
man 1.09%
movie 1.02%
name 0.96%
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