1.   But he harbors no regrets other than that nearly a decade later, his dream of seeing a Hindu temple built on the site has yet to be realized.

2.   He harbors no regrets.

3.   Looking back at his defection, Forbes says he harbors no regrets and describes those Republican labels as bunk.

4.   Second, Barry Goldwater was not a man to change his mind or harbor regrets about his straightforward conservative principles.

5.   She said none, though, appeared to harbor regrets about having been forced to choose between career and family in a way their male colleagues did not.

6.   Turner has plenty of reason to harbor regret at the failed bid.

7.   PRD Senator Jorge Calderon Salazar said his party harbored no regrets about its decision and would participate fully in the upcoming event.

8.   Yet, Henry harbors no regrets about her long stint away.

v. + regret >>共 65
express 46.05%
have 42.03%
voice 3.04%
send 1.40%
offer 0.85%
feel 0.73%
show 0.73%
harbor 0.49%
acknowledge 0.30%
convey 0.30%
harbor + n. >>共 303
terrorist 8.86%
rebel 5.75%
ambition 3.96%
hope 3.57%
doubt 3.34%
illusion 2.95%
resentment 2.87%
militant 2.33%
dream 2.25%
feeling 2.18%
regret 0.62%
每页显示:    共 8