1.   Does it happen only after an extended period of inactivity?

2.   For her part, Jacque Price said she knew instantly what had happened after reading the newspaper in March.

3.   Happened straight after finishing school in Vienna.

4.   It can only happen after a disastrous split in the majority party or when no party has a majority.

5.   Presuming there are no last-minute stays, that will happen just after midnight.

6.   So positive reinforcement is anything that happens soon after the behaviour in question that is welcomed by the recipient.

7.   The crash happened after a high-speed mainline train smashed into a freight service, near Selby, north Yorkshire.

8.   The make-believe could be eliminated if Congress systematically traced its laws through the bureaucracy to see what finally happened after their enactment.

9.   This seems to happen after a short spell off road.

10.   This usually happened after lunch on the day following their arrival.

v. + after >>共 936
come 7.80%
die 2.94%
say 2.67%
release 2.19%
leave 1.81%
speak 1.80%
arrest 1.55%
fall 1.48%
return 1.32%
rise 1.06%
happen 0.55%
happen + p. >>共 78
in 46.46%
at 10.24%
with 9.07%
after 3.32%
during 3.29%
for 3.28%
before 2.94%
by 1.65%
without 1.49%
between 1.49%
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