1.   Babylonians yearned for the good old days before the hanging gardens were ruined.

2.   Converts saved from the ground-bound world of pedestrian biology, they embrace their hanging gardens as much more than a mere study site.

3.   Desert sands long ago swallowed up the hanging gardens that were among the wonders of the ancient world.

4.   I saw hanging gardens decorated with purple bougainvillea and urns of pink and yellow hibiscus.

5.   The hanging gardens of Babylon are known only by descriptions.

6.   Their inability to understand the Irish has for centuries been one of the wonders of the world, like the hanging gardens of Babylon.

7.   An old man murmurs his dusk devotions to himself under a hanging garden of opaline and crystal chandeliers and medieval brass-and-bead lamps.

a. + garden >>共 577
vegetable 7.46%
small 4.55%
rose 4.12%
back 3.60%
lush 2.57%
formal 2.53%
front 2.06%
public 1.97%
large 1.89%
beautiful 1.80%
hanging 0.30%
hanging + n. >>共 178
chad 9.28%
basket 7.22%
slider 5.15%
curveball 4.64%
lamp 2.58%
curve 2.58%
plant 2.32%
scroll 2.32%
garden 1.80%
ball 1.80%
每页显示:    共 7