1.   Again, use the old handle stub as guide to see how much material you will have to shave off.

2.   If the handle stub is broken off near the rim of the socket, there may not be enough wood projecting to grip the stub and pull it out.

3.   This should drive the shovel away and leave the handle stub and screw in the vise.

4.   Try driving a three-inch wood screw into the handle stub.

n. + stub >>共 24
ticket 45.32%
pay 21.58%
paycheck 5.76%
check 5.04%
cigarette 4.32%
handle 2.88%
movie 2.16%
cheque 1.44%
ballot 0.72%
basketball 0.72%
handle + n. >>共 80
bar 9.90%
stub 3.96%
adobe 1.98%
break 1.98%
end 1.98%
configuration 1.98%
claim 1.98%
sale 1.98%
task 1.98%
tow 1.98%
每页显示:    共 4