1.   Plague also can be contracted by handling infected animals.

2.   Another question is whether the virus is primarily airborne or if it can be contracted by handling bird droppings.

3.   They also are not sure if the virus is primarily airborne or if it can be contracted by handling bird droppings.

4.   Anthrax can be contracted by handling or eating infected meat but the infection can not be passed directly between humans, officials said.

v. + contract >>共 25
eat 13.51%
handle 10.81%
manufacture 10.81%
breathe 5.41%
sign 5.41%
award 2.70%
be 2.70%
clear 2.70%
deliberate 2.70%
exclude 2.70%
handle + v. >>共 37
be 63.20%
contract 3.20%
have 3.20%
require 2.40%
cause 1.60%
make 1.60%
catch 0.80%
center 0.80%
deepen 0.80%
degrade 0.80%
每页显示:    共 4