1.   ----- Soon after that season-opening football epiphany, Bill Mullan showed up outside the guidance office at Milford High with his nephew.

2.   Check in your guidance office for scholarships that fit your achievements.

3.   Grief counselors were on hand in the library and in the guidance office to help students.

4.   High school guidance offices have lists, and often can provide computer matches of students and potential scholarships.

5.   High school guidance offices should be able to help.

6.   Obtain FAFSA application forms for financial aid from your guidance office, complete them and file them.

7.   Rob picked up a CSS registration booklet at his high school guidance office.

8.   Students should go to their guidance office and begin a search for private scholarships from civic clubs, businesses and other organizations.

9.   They are usually available at high school guidance offices.

10.   --Use Internet search engines to check other high school and college guidance offices for scholarship listings.

n. + office >>共 479
government 16.02%
liaison 4.05%
press 3.74%
head 3.11%
branch 2.88%
league 2.00%
law 1.87%
field 1.80%
district 1.78%
trade 1.73%
guidance 0.10%
guidance + n. >>共 60
counselor 42.73%
system 28.20%
note 2.82%
office 2.17%
computer 1.95%
technology 1.74%
program 1.08%
equipment 0.87%
device 0.87%
material 0.87%
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