1.   The government claims that economic growth is outstripping the increase in pollution.

2.   This growth far outstripped the provision of facilities.

3.   At some point, population growth will outstrip agricultural production despite technological advances.

4.   Behind the sharp increase in rents is a robust regional economy where job growth has far outstripped housing supply.

5.   But in Jordan, Morocco and Syria, population growth outstrips economic growth.

6.   But the growth far outstrips the natural rise in population.

7.   He argues that economic incentives are beginning to take effect, and that growth now outstrips that of mainland Russia.

8.   Import growth may outstrip export growth, though, making it difficult to reduce the deficit.

9.   In many places where growth has outstripped supplies, that is becoming a significant hurdle.

n. + outstrip >>共 90
demand 32.10%
growth 6.58%
price 4.12%
supply 3.29%
cost 2.47%
consumption 2.06%
increase 2.06%
gain 2.06%
production 2.06%
import 1.65%
growth + v. >>共 496
be 25.90%
slow 13.50%
continue 3.50%
come 3.42%
remain 2.51%
accelerate 2.12%
lead 1.84%
pick_up 1.48%
mean 1.28%
help 1.07%
outstrip 0.29%
每页显示:    共 16