1.   Almost nothing means more to Russians than bread, and debates about the annual grain harvest always herald the fall political season.

2.   An expected record grain harvest is likely to compound the rail backup.

3.   And, with world grain harvests falling for the past two years, the wolves are already at the door.

4.   As Union Pacific heads into its own busiest season, with fall grain harvests and Christmas merchandise shipments, the congestion is only gradually easing.

5.   Better weather could boost grain harvests.

6.   A bumper grain harvest may give Beijing confidence that the inflation battle is largely won.

7.   A record grain harvest helped restrain food prices.

8.   A record grain harvest is expected to compound the problems at Union Pacific.

9.   After the grain harvest fell across China last year, the government promised to lend a third more than last year for agriculture.

10.   Farmers are blaming cold and wet weather for grain harvests that are likely to disappoint.

n. + harvest >>共 112
fall 13.64%
bumper 12.03%
wheat 8.69%
grain 6.82%
year 5.35%
corn 5.08%
rice 4.81%
soybean 4.41%
summer 4.14%
spring 4.01%
grain + n. >>共 272
price 17.71%
future 5.80%
market 3.50%
harvest 3.25%
production 2.87%
supply 2.42%
export 2.42%
farmer 2.04%
import 2.04%
shortage 2.04%
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