1.   Ditto Lange in a star- billed role that she renders as a graceful supporting performance.

2.   Ditto Lange in a star-billed role that she renders as a graceful supporting performance.

3.   Now add to that the graceful performance under pressure by Duval.

4.   Richard Buckley conducted a graceful performance.

5.   But the judges were impressed by two triple-double combos and excellent spins in a graceful performance.

6.   She was clearly the favorite of the Russian audience, who received her graceful performances with wild applause.

a. + performance >>共 953
poor 5.30%
strong 4.68%
good 2.42%
best 2.41%
economic 1.98%
live 1.67%
financial 1.60%
impressive 1.36%
better 1.36%
recent 1.30%
graceful 0.05%
graceful + n. >>共 349
exit 6.13%
way 4.77%
movement 1.87%
arch 1.87%
arc 1.70%
curve 1.19%
motion 1.02%
aging 1.02%
performance 1.02%
line 1.02%
每页显示:    共 6