1.   Government enforcement has a spotty record on diet fraud.

2.   He said that short of some type of government enforcement, this is all the group can do.

3.   His unexpected involvement offers a chance to step back and look at the always-interesting relationship between government antitrust enforcement and science policy.

4.   In the last several months, government enforcement has become stricter.

5.   Thus, when the Bill of Rights was written for the new Constitution, it expressly forbade government enforcement of any religious belief.

6.   Building owners often add floors beyond the number allowed on their permits, contractors cheat on materials and there is little government enforcement of zoning or construction codes.

7.   Chen said the municipality has stepped up inspections but claimed government enforcement of penalties and closures was lax.

8.   Government enforcement of environment laws is lax.

9.   He would not elaborate, but suggested the municipality wanted government enforcement of the plan.

10.   The figure has decreased slightly two years after the Malaysian government tightened enforcement and made laws more stringent, said Robert Holleyman, president of the Alliance.

n. + enforcement >>共 102
law 85.25%
border 1.69%
drug 1.60%
peace 0.76%
tax 0.67%
immigration 0.67%
police 0.58%
narcotic 0.49%
government 0.49%
child-support 0.44%
government + n. >>共 646
official 15.30%
troop 3.90%
force 3.87%
agency 2.91%
spokesman 2.83%
office 2.02%
bond 1.67%
minister 1.60%
policy 1.44%
building 1.43%
enforcement 0.01%
每页显示:    共 11