1.   The statement made no mention of government casualties.

2.   Heavy government casualties continued to be reported.

3.   The reports gave no figures on government casualties.

4.   As usual it did not mention any government casualties.

5.   Dewage made no mention of any government casualties.

6.   He did not provide government casualties.

7.   He did not report any government casualties or make specific claims about the number of rebels killed.

8.   He did not mention any government casualties.

9.   He did not mention government casualties.

10.   He declined to discuss government casualties.

n. + casualty >>共 122
rebel 32.37%
guerrilla 9.13%
government 7.69%
army 5.77%
battle 3.53%
war 3.04%
troop 3.04%
battlefield 2.24%
coalition 1.44%
police 1.28%
government + n. >>共 646
official 15.30%
troop 3.90%
force 3.87%
agency 2.91%
spokesman 2.83%
office 2.02%
bond 1.67%
minister 1.60%
policy 1.44%
building 1.43%
casualty 0.06%
每页显示:    共 48