1.   More detailed guidance was given about what should be included under this heading, and a minimum disclosure requirement proposed.

2.   This extraordinary double message that we were given about motherhood is still prevalent in our culture today.

3.   One special case of memory for driving situations which has obvious practical significance is reports given about road traffic accidents to the police and to accident researchers.

4.   That was the general feeling but he did, he gave us about an hour and a half.

5.   Fuller information than is given by about the fluctuations at a single point can be obtained by measurements of, etc.

6.   They give them about an hour there before the curtain goes up.

7.   If I went over to the hotel now and had supper, that would give you about an hour to find a man and get ready.

8.   The expert may need to do more than receive submissions, and directions should be given about the arrangements for physical inspections, site visits and the like.

9.   Although estimates would be given about costs to the private sector, the government would not pay for mandates on business and industry.

v. + about >>共 655
ask 15.76%
say 7.26%
tell 6.83%
do 4.60%
lie 3.00%
read 2.81%
feel 2.81%
make 1.87%
warn 1.59%
have 1.40%
give 0.33%
give + p. >>共 103
in 27.87%
on 12.63%
as 11.22%
at 8.80%
until 4.62%
about 3.33%
with 2.50%
off 2.39%
during 1.84%
into 1.82%
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