1.   Her skin gets really brown in the summer.

2.   Cover casserole during final minutes of baking if it begins to get too brown.

3.   If the top gets too brown, cover it lightly with foil.

4.   If you get brown flakes, turn down the heat a little and continue stirring.

5.   If you get brown flakes in the mixture, turn down the heat a little.

6.   Place them, skin side down, on the grill and let them cook until skins start to shrivel and get brown.

7.   Plums will get brown around the edges.

8.   Remember to cover the legs loosely with foil if they begin to get too brown.

9.   The fish does not get brown, but a sauce colors the plate.

10.   The problem is that the leaves get brown at the tips and gradually the leaf rots, and I then have to cut it off.

v. + brown >>共 12
be 44.97%
turn 41.95%
get 3.69%
become 3.36%
go 2.35%
look 1.34%
come 0.67%
appearing 0.34%
burn 0.34%
remain 0.34%
get + a. >>共 602
better 5.38%
worse 5.34%
ready 4.68%
involved 4.63%
married 2.65%
hurt 2.16%
close 2.07%
sick 1.99%
older 1.95%
under_way 1.87%
brown 0.03%
每页显示:    共 11