1.   Indeed, the large number of relatively sophisticated geometric arrangements, is notable.

2.   Geometric arrangements and well-placed patches of black and white, often in the grids and strips of traditional quilt patterns, quiet the color chaos, but only slightly.

3.   The only ornamentation is the geometric arrangement of its walnut panels on its front and the exposed construction of dovetails and joints.

a. + arrangement >>共 901
new 8.28%
such 4.55%
similar 4.21%
financial 3.89%
special 3.21%
power-sharing 3.00%
living 2.09%
seating 1.59%
floral 1.55%
financing 1.37%
geometric 0.09%
geometric + n. >>共 148
shape 14.56%
pattern 13.60%
design 10.50%
form 7.64%
abstraction 4.30%
print 2.86%
figure 1.91%
correction 1.19%
symbol 0.95%
arrangement 0.95%
每页显示:    共 4