1.   At least six other newspaper editors were expected to be freed under the new amnesty.

2.   Bosby said that many of the sex offenders are freed under the old mandatory release law that gave inmates credit for good behavior in prison.

3.   He was arrested for treason and then freed under a general amnesty.

4.   The funds were freed under a program that helps families pay for heating and insulating in the winter and cooling in the summer.

5.   We were freed under a Republican bill.

6.   Police sources said the prisoners freed under presidential decree must have served at least six months of their sentence.

7.   A Seminole County woman, Kimberly Soubielle, was the first freed under the program.

8.   All but one were later freed under amnesties.

9.   Chen is quite ill and deserves to be freed under any humanitarian standard, Burns said.

10.   Contradictory reports emerged on the number to be freed under the decision Wednesday to release political detainees.

v. + under >>共 914
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free + p. >>共 61
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on 20.49%
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for 5.24%
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under 2.20%
to 2.16%
with 1.88%
during 1.61%
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