1.   And, gentlemen, the Swiss say a bottle of wine is the penalty for slipping your bread from the fork tines.

2.   Fork tines can be placed down, Continental style, or up, American style.

3.   Moisten edges, fold over into half-moon shape, and seal with fork tines.

4.   Pierce turkey all over with fork tines.

5.   Press fork tines around edge of dough.

6.   Spread with fork tines to create turtle-shell design.

7.   The president waved in the air a white plastic spoon with fork tines attached.

n. + tine >>共 4
fork 70.00%
antler 10.00%
cultivator 10.00%
rack 10.00%
fork + n. >>共 26
lift 15.56%
tine 15.56%
supper 6.67%
truck 6.67%
driver 4.44%
handle 4.44%
use 4.44%
andknife 2.22%
ball 2.22%
emergency 2.22%
每页显示:    共 7