1.   Forecasters had called for up to six inches of rain from two storm systems this weekend.

2.   However, some forecasters are calling for moderate to heavy rain in some areas this week.

3.   In addition, forecasters are calling for weekend rain in Ohio and Indiana, where wet weather has delayed planting.

4.   Less than a month after completing tests on a spare weather satellite parked in space high above the Midwest, forecasters already are calling it to the rescue.

5.   On other markets, natural gas, wheat and orange juice prices fell as forecasters called for the end of the deep freeze.

6.   Other forecasters are calling for less moisture.

7.   Other private forecasters are calling for greater amounts of precipitation, traders said.

8.   Private weather forecasters today called for another one to three inches of rain through tomorrow between central Oklahoma and northeast Missouri.

9.   Some forecasters are calling for a cold and wet Midwest next week, while others call for mild and dry weather.

10.   Some forecasters are calling for only a marginal gain in the index, which could help diminish fears of higher inflation.

n. + call >>共 869
plan 4.35%
official 4.02%
group 3.10%
leader 3.06%
government 2.06%
people 1.96%
agreement 1.74%
critic 1.65%
report 1.08%
party 1.04%
forecaster 0.12%
forecaster + v. >>共 153
say 35.26%
predict 17.44%
expect 9.77%
warn 4.59%
be 4.29%
call 2.11%
believe 1.13%
use 1.13%
watch 0.98%
see 0.98%
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