1.   Cut out biscuits with a floured biscuit cutter and place on an ungreased cookie sheet.

2.   Cut with a floured biscuit cutter and place on an ungreased baking sheet.

3.   Cut into cookies with floured cutter.

4.   Cut into rounds with floured biscuit cutters or use a knife to cut into desired shape.

a. + cutter >>共 77
biscuit 10.56%
metal 7.75%
veteran 4.23%
wood 2.82%
stone 2.82%
floured 2.82%
oxyacetylene 2.82%
nearby 2.11%
navy 2.11%
electric 2.11%
floured + n. >>共 29
surface 43.50%
board 20.90%
work 11.86%
hand 3.95%
cutter 2.26%
piece 1.69%
chicken 1.13%
cookie 1.13%
counter 1.13%
fillet 1.13%
每页显示:    共 4