1.   Mr Chance recalled that first offering by the dramatic society entertainment to fill a gap in an otherwise busy conference schedule.

2.   As a technology investor, he had been elated by the early success of Netscape Inc., a hot new Internet company that had its first public stock offering.

3.   Bjorkman was not thrilled with his service game, especially on the first offering.

4.   Decode, which was incorporated in Delaware and will soon make its first public stock offering in the United States, is very much a capitalist enterprise.

5.   Earlier this week, investors snapped up the first offering of shares in EarthWeb Inc., an Internet company that provides technical advice on line.

6.   First offerings from the thrift will be personal and agricultural loans, as well as some small, commercial loans.

7.   Goldman was the underwriter for the first such offering made after the loan was extended.

8.   In the latest episode, Stratton is planning to underwrite the first stock offering of E-Net Inc.

9.   It is the first offering of the new Globe Center, which is dedicated to capturing the spirit of Shakespearean productions as they were first seen.

10.   It handled the first stock offering of America Online, which has been enormously rewarding to many investors despite its recent problems.

a. + offering >>共 523
stock 22.57%
initial 10.24%
new 8.24%
public 6.81%
first 1.78%
latest 1.74%
recent 1.07%
similar 0.98%
the 0.76%
online 0.76%
first + n. >>共 866
time 17.03%
half 3.66%
round 3.47%
day 2.41%
step 2.05%
game 1.75%
quarter 1.68%
year 1.32%
inning 1.07%
meeting 1.03%
offering 0.02%
每页显示:    共 40