1.   But Clinton noted that the Congressional Budget Office has estimated that the Medicare expansion would not be a major financial drain on the program.

2.   But GM has said that the settlement would not be a financial drain on the company.

3.   But it was also bad news, because, along with the castle, the couple inherited a monumental financial drain.

4.   Deer accidents are also a financial drain.

5.   Dobert said that even though Pigskin Parlor has been a financial drain, he hopes for better days.

6.   Her in-laws claimed she did not provide enough dowry, that she was a financial drain on the family.

7.   In his view, the situation is spinning out of control, creating a public-relations nightmare as well as a financial drain.

8.   Otherwise they would be subjected to financial drain as poor immigrants flocked to take advantage of their relatively generous welfare rules.

9.   Oxfam criticizes even this short wait because Uganda will suffer a needless additional financial drain.

10.   Tens of millions of people will quit work and stop adding to productivity, becoming instead a gigantic financial drain on the economy.

a. + drain >>共 161
french 6.63%
clogged 6.10%
financial 5.84%
open 3.71%
main 2.39%
big 2.12%
nearby 2.12%
emotional 1.86%
huge 1.86%
large 1.59%
financial + n. >>共 564
market 8.71%
institution 6.54%
service 4.92%
crisis 3.98%
aid 2.63%
support 2.14%
system 2.03%
problem 1.91%
assistance 1.38%
adviser 1.25%
drain 0.04%
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