1.   It was suggested that female spiders, by cannibalizing courting males, have actively selected for small male size.

2.   A female spider that allows her spiderlings to consume her?

3.   Webs are especially important to female spiders, who must catch enough protein to produce offspring.

4.   While males in other groups can be dwarfed by their females, female spiders often heavily outweigh their mates.

a. + spider >>共 133
giant 6.86%
poisonous 4.90%
jumping 3.43%
big 2.45%
large 2.45%
plastic 2.45%
female 1.96%
black 1.96%
mutant 1.96%
real 1.96%
female + n. >>共 1645
student 3.00%
athlete 2.56%
employee 1.89%
character 1.41%
member 1.35%
circumcision 1.32%
officer 1.32%
worker 1.25%
friend 1.23%
voter 1.01%
spider 0.05%
每页显示:    共 4