1.   I feel an opposite of claustrophobia.

2.   I felt the opposite.

3.   If you belong to a minority group, you most likely feel the opposite.

4.   In fact, I felt the opposite.

5.   Sometimes he felt the opposite.

6.   To be sure, some people felt the opposite, that the president was too contrite.

7.   Yet she made me feel the opposite of inconsequential.

8.   But I have to say I feel the opposite because of his behavior on the court today.

9.   Many Catholics in Northern Ireland, long at odds with the army, feel the opposite.

v. + opposite >>共 90
do 36.72%
say 6.45%
suggest 4.47%
argue 2.73%
show 2.73%
indicate 2.48%
want 2.48%
feel 2.23%
have 2.23%
claim 2.23%
feel + n. >>共 1382
pain 7.58%
pressure 5.64%
effect 3.98%
pinch 3.25%
quake 3.09%
heat 2.33%
impact 2.24%
sense 2.20%
way 1.70%
need 1.69%
opposite 0.10%
每页显示:    共 9