1.   Add cream through feed tube and process just until blended.

2.   Add parsley, cilantro and mint through feed tube.

3.   Cut cabbages into small wedges and place horizontally into feed tube.

4.   Cut the roast in pieces small enough to fit into the feed tube.

5.   Cut carrots in half and place in feed tube so they are lying on their sides.

6.   Drop jalapeno pepper through feed tube of food processor while machine is running.

7.   For a smooth paste, add the oil in a steady stream through the feed tube with the motor running.

8.   Halve the onions and slice in feed tube of a food processor or slice by hand.

9.   In a food processor or blender, drop garlic through feed tube with machine running.

10.   Start the food processor and gradually add the yeast mixture through the feed tube in a steady stream.

a. + tube >>共 340
feeding 9.22%
plastic 7.06%
breathing 6.98%
feed 4.05%
intravenous 3.96%
fluorescent 3.01%
metal 2.84%
thin 2.50%
tiny 2.24%
small 2.15%
feed + n. >>共 150
cost 15.46%
tube 7.26%
price 5.41%
grain 5.41%
store 4.64%
additive 4.02%
mill 4.02%
producer 2.63%
lot 2.63%
corn 2.32%
每页显示:    共 47