1.   Do you have an e-mail address or fax number for Hillary Rodham Clinton?

2.   Scanning one card rendered phone and fax numbers perfectly, yet made hash of the address printed in the same typeface and missed the much bigger corporate name.

3.   The fax should include a credit card number and a telephone or fax number for confirmation.

4.   They sit next to business cards with my private Lanesborough telephone and fax numbers.

5.   This allows different family members to have their own phone and fax numbers for the cost of a single phone line.

6.   We input telephone and fax numbers with them.

7.   The number was faxed to his offices in Limassol, in the south of the Mediterranean island.

v. + number >>共 887
reduce 8.36%
increase 6.21%
have 4.95%
limit 2.75%
include 1.71%
give 1.54%
cut 1.32%
make 1.29%
double 1.25%
use 1.20%
fax 0.04%
fax + n. >>共 137
letter 11.98%
statement 8.93%
copy 8.28%
machine 7.19%
information 3.70%
document 3.49%
report 2.40%
resignation 2.18%
message 2.18%
number 1.53%
每页显示:    共 7