1.   But in an age of fast flux in personnel, Kentucky could distinguish itself with this championship, because it is a markedly different team from a year ago.

2.   But they disagree on whether a structure as large as the fast flux reactor will be needed to meet the demand.

3.   He said using the fast flux Hanford reactor raises concerns about violating agreements on nuclear non-proliferation.

4.   They worked closely with Stokes and Thompson in developing a proposal presented to the Department of Energy last year to privatize the fast flux reactor.

a. + flux >>共 55
constant 25.49%
acid 6.86%
great 3.92%
fast 3.92%
political 3.92%
experiencing 1.96%
extraordinary 1.96%
in 1.96%
economic 1.96%
global 1.96%
fast + n. >>共 946
bowler 18.92%
start 5.12%
pace 3.49%
car 3.05%
growth 2.33%
friend 2.14%
time 1.42%
connection 1.05%
access 1.02%
action 0.98%
flux 0.09%
每页显示:    共 4