1.   All the candidates talked about aggressively opening up foreign markets for farm goods, from Iowa and elsewhere.

2.   But Bush administration officials say that Japan has repeatedly declined to endorse the idea of negotiating freer trade for farm goods, the highest American trade priority.

3.   But open markets further to their goods and help subsidize their farm goods?

4.   Grains and soybeans could rise amid perceptions that the fourth-largest buyer of U.S. farm goods will be able to resume imports.

5.   Grain prices have slumped because of slowing demand from Asia, the biggest export market for U.S. farm goods.

6.   Grain prices have slumped in recent weeks because of slowing demand from Asia, the biggest export market for U.S. farm goods.

7.   Japanese officials acknowledge that they have so far refused to compromise on farm goods.

8.   Mexico is the third largest buyer of U.S. farm goods, after Japan and Canada.

9.   The Arapaho and other Great Plains tribes once traded buffalo robes, meat and other commodities for farm goods supplied by agricultural tribes on the edge of the Plains.

10.   The bill is also silent on existing law that complicates the transport of farm goods to Cuba.

n. + goods >>共 248
luxury 18.81%
leather 11.09%
relief 6.44%
farm 5.05%
quality 3.66%
electronics 2.28%
high-tech 1.78%
export 1.68%
paper 1.68%
retail 1.39%
farm + n. >>共 589
worker 6.86%
bill 5.01%
animal 4.86%
system 4.58%
subsidy 3.91%
product 3.14%
program 2.54%
field 2.15%
minister 2.09%
land 2.01%
goods 0.88%
每页显示:    共 51