1.   A celebration, a farewell party.

2.   The afternoon is yours for further exploring, until a farewell dinner party during the evening.

3.   They laid on a buffet for his farewell party.

4.   A farewell party was arranged with the usual outcome of everyone remembering a good evening.

5.   At a farewell party held in his honour, Ray Coventry received a watch from PandO Cruises Operations Director, John Marden.

6.   She was then shown a picture taken at the farewell party at Champion Spark Plugs just before Paula went on maternity leave.

n. + party >>共 325
opposition 51.33%
dinner 4.23%
birthday 3.79%
minority 2.01%
coalition 1.94%
majority 1.44%
right-wing 1.41%
holiday 1.28%
center-right 1.10%
advance 0.93%
farewell 0.55%
farewell + n. >>共 129
tour 14.31%
party 9.18%
ceremony 8.71%
speech 7.15%
letter 4.51%
address 4.04%
dinner 2.95%
game 2.64%
appearance 2.49%
call 2.33%
每页显示:    共 59