1.   John D. was indisputably a great philanthropist.

2.   After the game, Isringhausen went out with his family first and then some friends.

3.   But he still put his family first.

4.   But I think I learned to slow down and put my family first.

5.   But put your family first.

6.   But other than that, you take care of your family first and then your second priority is to win.

7.   He tries to put his family first, but the job that Dickey enjoys and that has gained him national prominence this season consumes his time.

8.   I had to get things in order for me and my family first.

9.   Try your own family first.

10.   When the family first set up camp, a herd of wild pigs rooted them out.

a. + first >>共 359
very 3.90%
historic 2.92%
family 2.27%
the 1.62%
public 1.30%
legal 1.14%
olympic 1.14%
possible 0.97%
good 0.97%
scoreless 0.81%
family + n. >>共 690
member 29.28%
life 2.91%
friend 2.61%
value 2.36%
business 2.30%
history 1.98%
reunion 1.80%
farm 1.34%
tie 1.09%
tradition 0.92%
first 0.06%
每页显示:    共 14