1.   Surprisingly, although they were all different models from different eras, they had the same familiar feel about them.

2.   But in Jak and Daxter there is a very familiar feel to completing tasks.

3.   It also was a familiar feel for a team that has scored earlier on numerous occasions and has been unable to twist the knife.

4.   Often it is a refuge, a comforting place with a familiar feel, where a brake repairman lacking health insurance can afford to have a tooth extracted.

5.   The familiar feel of wood and leather and brass lamps gives way to the spanking new efficiency of the cyber-age.

6.   The lavish surroundings could easily have the familiar feel of home for someone like Mweze, who is fluent in three languages and has a degree in business.

7.   The recent events on the San Carlos Indian Reservation have a familiar feel to them, the elders say.

8.   The resulting pilot is a wholly unremarkable effort that has a decidedly familiar feel.

9.   The story has the familiar feel of everyday tragedy, yet Dubus never trades in stereotype.

10.   These fears are not far beneath the surface of many Republicans, which may give the August angst on Capitol Hill its familiar feel.

a. + feel >>共 602
good 4.24%
better 3.70%
different 3.34%
solid 1.44%
familiar 1.35%
same 1.26%
real 1.26%
great 1.26%
intimate 1.08%
nice 0.90%
familiar + n. >>共 1382
people 7.07%
face 6.66%
source 4.86%
name 3.30%
official 2.99%
person 2.89%
territory 1.89%
one 1.74%
figure 1.56%
pattern 1.54%
feel 0.25%
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