1.   Bears can be dangerous and walkers should proceed with extreme caution.

2.   Exercise extreme caution in babies with renal or hepatic failure.

3.   He was going to have to move with extreme caution.

4.   Health experts advise extreme caution when handling these materials.

5.   However, a partner needs gentle handling to tread gently and with extreme caution.

6.   It is necessary to use extreme caution with chemicals.

7.   It is therefore advisable that all practice be carried out with extreme caution.

8.   Providing walkers exercise extreme caution no major problems should be encountered.

9.   She even exercises extreme caution about what she throws into her waste-paper bin.

a. + caution >>共 192
extreme 18.69%
extra 5.14%
great 4.83%
yellow 4.67%
due 3.12%
second 2.80%
same 2.34%
excessive 2.02%
greater 1.87%
final 1.87%
extreme + n. >>共 925
case 6.73%
right 3.40%
heat 3.27%
right-wing 3.18%
caution 2.68%
poverty 2.64%
sport 2.62%
measure 2.51%
example 2.35%
cold 1.70%
每页显示:    共 119