1.   But compliance would indicate that the manufacturer abides by rules that give workers some protection from the most exploitative practices.

2.   Hatta grew up in Hawaii, a granddaughter of immigrants who were not picture brides, and learned the history of this exploitative practice as a child.

3.   They also are expected to avoid exploitative practices such as long working hours for children.

4.   They are arguing most products of child labour are for domestic markets and that trade sanctions could do more harm than good by forcing exploitative practices further underground.

a. + practice >>共 750
batting 9.75%
private 3.94%
common 3.55%
first 1.96%
standard 1.94%
medical 1.88%
religious 1.54%
good 1.39%
accounting 1.36%
current 1.23%
exploitative 0.03%
exploitative + n. >>共 50
capitalism 6.45%
practice 6.45%
child 4.84%
capital 3.23%
labor 3.23%
culture 3.23%
wage 3.23%
boss 1.61%
business 1.61%
businessman 1.61%
每页显示:    共 4