1.   As this is the case, part of the research will examine various experimental techniques used previously in studies on word recognition.

2.   The development of new experimental techniques has been spectacular.

3.   The research uses two experimental techniques for producing natural dialogue.

4.   The experimental technique used for the determination of enthalpy is calorimetry.

5.   They provide expertise across a wide range of topics while allowing the students to contribute to the year-to-year developments in experimental techniques.

6.   The experimental technique involved continuous perfusion of an open segment of oesophagus and the stomach with saline containing non-absorbable markers.

a. + technique >>共 1362
new 9.74%
same 2.40%
different 1.78%
similar 1.39%
modern 1.35%
basic 1.33%
surgical 1.15%
cooking 1.03%
proper 1.03%
marketing 1.01%
experimental 0.61%
experimental + n. >>共 575
drug 8.04%
treatment 5.68%
vaccine 3.33%
program 2.44%
procedure 2.22%
basis 2.04%
stage 1.55%
therapy 1.51%
work 1.38%
technique 1.33%
每页显示:    共 30