1.   Additionally, many expect the USDA later this month will report that hog producers are expanding their herds, promising even larger supplies in the months ahead.

2.   Cattle could rise as ranchers take advantage of a recent drop in corn prices to expand their herd, keeping animals off the market in the nearby months.

3.   Cheaper corn, which is the primary ingredient in livestock feed, allows farmers to feed a greater number of animals and expand cattle herds.

4.   Elsewhere, hog futures fell as farmers continue to take advantage of falling feed costs to expand their herds, boosting supplies.

5.   Encouraged by strong markets this summer, many hog producers expanded their herds.

6.   Expectations for a bumper corn crop further encouraged farmers to continue expanding their herds.

7.   Falling feed costs likely encouraged farmers to expand their herds, analyst said.

8.   Feedlots since last fall have steadily expanded their herds as feed prices fell from record highs.

9.   Farmers likely expanded their herds as falling feed costs increased profitability of raising hogs, analysts said.

10.   Feedlot operators have expanded their herds as relatively low feed costs encourage production.

v. + herd >>共 174
ride 6.02%
expand 6.02%
cull 4.62%
destroy 4.02%
slaughter 3.01%
drive 3.01%
reduce 2.81%
kill 2.41%
lead 2.21%
follow 2.21%
expand + n. >>共 1060
business 4.20%
program 3.35%
operation 3.25%
service 2.48%
settlement 2.39%
number 1.83%
presence 1.54%
production 1.53%
coverage 1.49%
market 1.39%
herd 0.35%
每页显示:    共 30