1.   -- Employees can relax or exercise during the work day.

2.   For the cost of a shower, many more employees can exercise during lunch.

3.   Greater vigilance simply should have been exercised during past decades to prevent the Chinese from being able to do it.

4.   He wore a Revolution uniform, took part in some drills, exercised during breaks, joined the others in post-practice corner kicks.

5.   If you exercise to loud music during classes at your health club, Erlinda McGinty has a message she wants you to hear.

6.   Indeed, packing on these pounds is such a big deal at many schools that students now receive advice on nutrition and exercise during their college orientation programs.

7.   Aziz said Iraq will take its chances, but asked Butler to exercise restraint during the coming period, the U.N. inspector said.

8.   Chief executive Stewart Shing has said risk-management systems were thoroughly exercised during the recent stock market turmoil and no difficulties incurred.

9.   In Cairo Wednesday, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak urged political parties to exercise restraint during the current crisis, party officials said.

10.   French investors, who have been asked to participate in several capital-raising exercises during the last few months, remained watchful.

v. + during >>共 1155
come 2.75%
kill 2.65%
say 1.96%
occur 1.85%
make 1.77%
die 1.73%
be 1.37%
do 1.33%
injure 1.32%
use 1.12%
exercise 0.03%
exercise + p. >>共 51
in 28.63%
at 11.06%
on 10.63%
with 7.81%
over 6.07%
for 5.64%
by 2.82%
due 2.39%
to 2.39%
during 2.17%
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