1.   I-line steppers emit light at longer wavelengths and are used to etch wider circuitry.

2.   I-line steppers emit light at longer wavelengths used to etch wider circuitry.

3.   Lithography is a means for etching circuitry onto chip surfaces.

4.   The film protects the wafers while circuitry is etched onto them.

5.   Nikon holds a dominant share of the world market for steppers, which etch the circuitry in silicon wafers in the process of making semiconductors.

6.   Steppers are the sophisticated machinery that etches circuitry into silicon wafers in the process of making semiconductors.

7.   Both plants will be engaged in etching circuitry.

v. + circuitry >>共 36
use 12.86%
etch 10.00%
have 7.14%
contain 7.14%
build 4.29%
develop 4.29%
create 4.29%
install 4.29%
advance 2.86%
design 2.86%
etch + n. >>共 125
name 12.05%
circuit 4.91%
pattern 4.91%
face 4.46%
circuitry 3.13%
line 2.68%
image 1.79%
pain 1.79%
design 1.34%
glass 1.34%
每页显示:    共 7