1.   An enactment which threatened the essential elements of any plausible conception of democratic government would lie beyond those boundaries.

2.   Besides ability, the other essential element in political success is luck.

3.   But were the essential elements of first-degree murder present-malice and premeditation?

4.   Finding the right message for Clinton was an essential element in his ultimate success.

5.   Hard work is the essential element of his success.

6.   Instructions to the group should emphasize that the criteria should define the essential elements or the key indicators of exemplary nutrition care.

7.   It is an essential element of the primal piety, the archaic spirituality, that pentecostal worship brings to the surface.

8.   Kissing has always been an essential element of the movies.

9.   These are essential elements in communication, and discourse is realized through them.

a. + element >>共 1268
key 9.71%
important 4.35%
new 2.66%
essential 2.20%
crucial 1.98%
basic 1.68%
major 1.55%
the 1.29%
critical 1.26%
main 1.24%
essential + n. >>共 744
part 7.35%
service 4.97%
item 4.48%
element 3.63%
goods 3.33%
ingredient 3.05%
component 2.14%
commodity 1.83%
step 1.80%
tool 1.53%
每页显示:    共 118