1.   Well, small-minded politicos and big-moneyed utility interests made sure this sun-drenched region never fully developed its most sensible energy alternative.

2.   Officials from both companies said the deal will give them more flexibility as they move to offer an entire package of energy alternatives to large industrial customers.

3.   Others focus on bed and breakfast, feminism, energy alternatives, human rights, group marriage, self-sufficiency, even visions.

4.   While Suncor is investing millions of dollars in researching future energy alternatives, billions of dollars are still devoted to oil.

5.   The government has since temporarily shelved the plan until other energy alternatives have been exhausted and additional resources are available.

n. + alternative >>共 232
cash 5.96%
investment 5.70%
censure 2.59%
treatment 2.33%
transportation 1.81%
meat 1.55%
coalition 1.30%
energy 1.30%
finance 1.30%
note 1.30%
energy + n. >>共 709
company 6.86%
price 6.67%
source 4.29%
crisis 3.58%
cost 3.53%
policy 3.42%
sector 2.49%
efficiency 2.21%
industry 2.15%
bill 2.05%
alternative 0.06%
每页显示:    共 5