1.   Emergency vehicles can be supplied with computers that track their spatial location.

2.   Emergency vehicles rushed to the scene.

3.   Every road is blocked, every emergency vehicle trapped or wrecked, every hospital destroyed.

4.   It did not stop other youths stealing police radios from emergency vehicles to add to the confusion.

5.   As soon as she passed the gate she could hear the sirens of ambulances echoing round the valley, and see the flashing lights of the emergency vehicles.

6.   But that would cost more and might damage emergency vehicles.

7.   The event is open to preserved and current commercial vehicles and preserved emergency vehicles.

8.   Lakeside residents say this will make it difficult for emergency vehicles to get through and would be dangerous for children and pensioners.

a. + vehicle >>共 617
armored 12.34%
utility 12.03%
military 5.35%
armoured 4.68%
new 3.07%
sport-utility 2.39%
electric 1.80%
emergency 1.73%
stolen 1.59%
israeli 1.54%
emergency + n. >>共 510
meeting 7.79%
service 5.58%
landing 4.42%
worker 3.65%
session 2.87%
official 2.36%
aid 2.29%
surgery 2.20%
measure 2.16%
supply 1.95%
vehicle 1.28%
每页显示:    共 183