1.   These allow for easy removal later.

2.   This will ensure the easy removal of these appliances should servicing be necessary.

3.   The paper needs to be packed well into the tin for a smooth edge, and is best used double thickness for greater insulation and easy removal.

4.   At least one well-prepared air traveler wore mules for easy removal.

5.   - Core the lettuce and soak in ice water for an hour or two for easy removal of intact leaves, recommends Spago chef Lee Hefter.

6.   A better idea would be to use Velcro, for easy removal.

7.   However, when I wrote the question and answer, it occurred to me that you could turn the stove sideways for easy removal.

8.   Leave a long tail of string for easy removal.

9.   Some vinyl or mylar papers are called strippable wall coverings and were designed for easy removal.

10.   The new cases, unlike the current ones, will allow for easy removal of the documents.

a. + removal >>共 170
surgical 8.76%
asbestos 5.84%
immediate 5.62%
forced 4.72%
easy 2.92%
complete 2.47%
possible 2.47%
total 2.47%
recent 1.57%
lead 1.35%
easy + n. >>共 1261
way 6.03%
access 5.48%
target 4.62%
task 4.47%
part 2.88%
victory 2.83%
answer 2.50%
one 2.17%
time 2.00%
money 1.69%
removal 0.15%
每页显示:    共 13