1.   All dryer ducts should be inspected and cleaned at least twice a year.

2.   Flexible vinyl was once popular as a ducting material, but now many codes prohibit using it and foil for dryer ducts.

3.   If you can find a specific block with the proper-sized opening, you could adapt the dryer duct to that opening.

4.   Q. My dryer duct goes from my electric dryer in the basement and vents out through the foundation.

5.   They can come through doggie doors, holes in walls, openings around pipes and dryer ducts venting to the outside.

a. + duct >>共 84
heating 8.81%
air-conditioning 6.29%
pancreatic 5.66%
metal 5.03%
round 3.77%
dryer 3.14%
large 3.14%
same 2.52%
female 1.89%
reproductive 1.89%
dryer + n. >>共 45
hair 35.00%
vent 8.33%
clothes 5.00%
duct 4.17%
sheet 4.17%
hose 2.50%
air 2.50%
drum 1.67%
connection 1.67%
light 1.67%
每页显示:    共 5