1.   During the drive home, we stop the car on the side of the highway, climb out and stare upward.

2.   On the drive home, Maria was sulky and said very little.

3.   The rest of the drive home passed in almost complete silence.

4.   Earlier, with parents Fran and Les, she arrived at Heathrow Airport from Pittsburgh, before flying on to Manchester and then a drive home to Eccles.

5.   As it was surely discussed in a lot of cars on the drive home.

6.   Because it was Sunday night, and weekend warriors were already beginning their long drive home, it was almost empty.

7.   After several hours, he was back in the car, struggling to stay awake for the drive home, collapsing in bed as soon as he got there.

8.   But his sternest test will come on the drive home.

9.   By the end of the day, the fish is filleted by a boat mate and placed in a cooler filled with ice for the long drive home.

10.   Clayton turned to Cunningham on the drive home and asked the UT chief if he really wanted to join the Big Eight.

n. + home >>共 1088
vacation 3.91%
flight 3.72%
group 3.59%
retirement 3.30%
summer 3.19%
country 3.06%
trip 1.79%
childhood 1.69%
luxury 1.55%
ride 1.50%
drive 0.96%
drive + n. >>共 216
home 11.36%
car 5.68%
vehicle 3.41%
system 3.41%
space 3.22%
model 2.65%
bay 2.46%
maker 2.46%
price 2.46%
belt 2.27%
每页显示:    共 60