1.   As water moves through a drain pipe, any solids suspended in the water and minerals dissolved in the water can adhere to surfaces inside the pipe.

2.   Be sure that the sink is secure on the hanger bracket, then hook up the drain pipes.

3.   Both plastic and metal drain pipes are equally durable, but most do-it-yourselfers find that the plastic pipes are easier to work with.

4.   A good drain field consisting of a drain pipe in a gravel bed may be needed to carry ground water away for the foundation.

5.   A good drain field consisting of a drain pipe in a gravel bed may be needed to carry ground water away from the foundation.

6.   Can I use a plunger on plastic drain pipes?

7.   Clean the stopper and the inside of the drain pipe, then reposition the stopper by reversing the removal procedure.

8.   For instance, it says distributors have called Tide an ineffective detergent that forms sludge that clogs drain pipes and causes washing machines to rust.

9.   He said the dampness and stagnant air inside drain pipes is an ideal environment for growing pathogens that cause serious illnesses such as hepatitis and typhoid.

10.   Her problem is the drain pipe sometimes freezes in cold weather and drain water from the washer backs up onto the laundry room floor.

n. + pipe >>共 184
steel 12.59%
drain 6.05%
burst 5.93%
gas 5.81%
sewer 4.24%
crack 3.51%
iron 3.15%
drainage 3.03%
sewage 2.78%
vent 2.78%
drain + n. >>共 75
pipe 21.19%
hole 7.20%
line 5.08%
plug 5.08%
field 4.66%
opening 4.24%
valve 2.97%
cover 2.54%
money 2.12%
cleaner 2.12%
每页显示:    共 50