1.   Successful endoscopic treatment was performed with the aid of Doppler ultrasound.

2.   The possibility of using endoscopic Doppler ultrasound to detect any large blood vessels lurking in the path of the proposed sphincterotomy has not yet been well evaluated.

3.   Now a new study suggests that Doppler ultrasound may be a simpler, safer and less expensive way to diagnose fetal anemia.

4.   The test is done with a transcranial Doppler ultrasound, or TCD.

a. + ultrasound >>共 64
abdominal 12.04%
routine 8.33%
doppler 3.70%
endoscopic 3.70%
vaginal 3.70%
new 2.78%
upper 2.78%
using 2.78%
first 1.85%
detailed 1.85%
doppler + n. >>共 23
weather 32.81%
shift 12.50%
radar 10.94%
ultrasound 6.25%
reading 4.69%
control 3.13%
flowmetry 3.13%
system 3.13%
fellow 1.56%
laser 1.56%
每页显示:    共 4