1.   As the door clanged upwards his head turned slowly round so that he was facing the garage.

2.   The prison door clanged shut again.

3.   The door clanged shut behind them.

4.   The prison door clanged shut.

5.   A door clangs in the distance.

6.   He was lured onto a massive mooring buoy and a steel door clanged shut behind him.

7.   The door clanged shut.

8.   The heavy air-lock door clanged shut behind him.

n. + clang >>共 31
bell 20.59%
door 11.76%
ball 8.82%
shot 7.35%
alarm 4.41%
gate 4.41%
cowbell 2.94%
hammer 2.94%
jumper 2.94%
tram 2.94%
door + v. >>共 285
be 24.89%
open 23.01%
close 6.76%
slam 3.59%
have 3.17%
swing 3.17%
shut 2.17%
remain 2.17%
fly 1.13%
slide 1.13%
clang 0.33%
每页显示:    共 8