1.   A decent glove box, seat pockets, door bins, and deep bin between the front seats offer good interior storage spaces.

2.   A modest glove box, two sets of door bins up front, door bins and seat-back pockets in the rear offer good interior storage.

3.   A very deep covered bin sits between the front seats and there are pocketrs in the seat backs and door bins for added storage.

4.   But a small covered bin amidships under the armrest, seatback pockets, and door bins add to stotrage.

5.   Door bins are small and up front only.

6.   Shallow door bins and seat pockets offer more storage.

7.   Small glove box, door bins, coin holder, and bin to the left of the wheel make up the front interior storage.

8.   The Aero has no glove box, does have door bins and some other small storage spaces.

9.   The Aurora has a fair glove box, shallow door bins, and a large, deep, storage bin between the front seats.

10.   The glove box is small, but door bins, a small covered bin between the seats, and pockets in the seat backs helped with storage.

n. + bin >>共 135
trash 30.81%
garbage 12.79%
storage 8.43%
litter 3.63%
door 2.76%
compost 2.76%
grain 2.62%
luggage 1.60%
cargo 1.31%
sin 1.31%
door + n. >>共 278
open 11.96%
handle 8.87%
frame 7.81%
lock 5.37%
panel 3.82%
opening 3.66%
meeting 3.66%
knob 2.12%
jamb 2.03%
shut 1.71%
bin 1.55%
每页显示:    共 19