1.   High values of serum pepsinogen C were frequently found in all groups of patients with hyperpepsinogenaemia A.

2.   And at the San Francisco Opera, two board members have asked to defer or delay their pledges, as have several donors to the Boston Lyric Opera.

3.   And maybe the donor will have his same Type A blood, and a good set of small lungs.

4.   And one of those lingering, but incorrect notions, is that an organ donor has to be a blood relative for a match to take.

5.   As a bonus, those donors usually have trucks that can haul the products at the right time to exactly the spot where they are needed.

6.   As a result of the standoff, donors sometimes have to wait a long time to see their money put to use.

7.   Because of the tradition of matrilineal descent, some Jewish women believe that the donor has to be Jewish for the child to be considered Jewish.

8.   Big donors have more interest in global affairs than small ones, but are still far more likely to give to the symphony or their alma mater.

9.   Beyond clearing their closets, donors have a monetary incentive for giving away clothes here.

10.   Beyond that, it proves that the best philanthropy happens when a donor has faith in an institution and can wholeheartedly back its aims.

n. + have >>共 1318
company 3.47%
government 1.92%
team 1.89%
people 1.78%
country 1.14%
state 0.96%
official 0.95%
man 0.88%
player 0.88%
woman 0.87%
donor 0.03%
donor + v. >>共 340
be 16.69%
give 4.19%
have 3.97%
say 2.53%
include 2.24%
get 2.24%
come 2.10%
want 1.95%
make 1.59%
receive 1.52%
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